Ceremony Matters Blog
For celebrants and anyone who cares about ceremony and the things that help us navigate life (and death).

New Online SUPER CONFERENCE: Diversity and Inclusion for Funeral Professionals
we have been busy planning an alternative, online approach to our traditional conference and have come up with something bigger and better; the SUPER CONFERENCE 2020!

Funeral Care And Grieving During COVID – a video by My Genderation
Towards the end of February this year, Ash (who is writing a series of blogs for us here at Ceremony Matters) reached out to Trans activists Fox and Owl Fisher from My Genderation to talk about collaborating on a short video for LGBTQIA+ people, exploring the options...

Why I wrote a guide to funeral planning for Queer people
This year Ceremony Matters National Conference for Funeral Celebrants is focused on Inclusion and Diversity. I've been working together with trans activist Ash Hayhurst, and he will be presenting at our celebrant conference in October about LBGTQIA+ experiences and...

You can now read our site and blog in Dyslexie font for dyslectics
Reading websites can be a constant challenge if you have dyslexia. Not only are we focussed at Ceremony Matters on creating person-centered ceremonies and trainings, but we also want to make sure that we do all we can to make people feel welcome and to make our...

A guide for people who worry what to say to a grieving person
A Guide For People Who Worry What To Say To A Grieving Person When someone dies we often find ourselves feeling enormous empathy but afraid that we might say something to a bereaved person that could make things worse. We can feel so anxious that we might not even say...

Perhaps it’s time to stop attending funerals and take our ceremonies online?
I’m a funeral celebrant and grief counsellor, and for seven years I have been creating person-centred funeral services, following an evidence-based belief that a meaningful funeral ceremony has not only purpose, but potential therapeutic benefit to bereaved people....

8 things you can do to support each other online when someone has died
As funeral ceremonies are pared right back to immediate family members only, or even unattended direct cremations, in response to the coronavirus pandemic, here are some things you can do with family or friends to keep community gathered around when someone has died:...

Funeral celebrants & COVID-19: You are not letting anybody down by working from home!
Dear Funeral Celebrants, I’ve spoken to many of you over the last few days, both privately and in the Funeral Celebrants Support Network, and we need to get very clear about something - you are not ‘letting anyone down’ by following guidelines to reduce the risk of...
About Us
Ceremony Matters offers advanced trainings, continuing professional development, support and mentoring to funeral celebrants across the UK. Celebrant Support is a professional support service in person, online or over the phone.
Get In Touch
text 07768 878764 for Celebrant Support
1:1 sessions:
Cavendish Square W1G 0PH
Myddelton Square, Islington EC1R 1YB
and online.
We Have Adopted The Accord. Emma is proud to have been a part of the development of the Funeral Celebrant Accord as a representative on the Funeral Celebrancy Council. She is the council’s representative of Independent Celebrants.