Conference Two
Racial Equity – Deeper Than Skin
16 and 17 January 2021, programme through February 2021
with Emma Curtis, plus guest speakers – Black Musician and Historian Andrew Maginley and Celebrant Hannah Jackson- McCamley
“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King
5. What we learnt as children
We all have unconscious biases. We are not ‘bad’ people for having them but we are responsible for them nonetheless. We create a safe place to explore what we believe and how some of our unexamined biases may be quietly confirmed by the culture in which we live today. We begin to explore how to consciously embrace the diversity of British culture and see life from new perspectives.
6. Black and British
Inspired by historian David Olusoga’s work, we explore the history and experience of black and ethnic minority people in Britain with Andrew Maginley. We consider how inclusive the funeral industry is of BAME people outside of culturally defined communities, and speak with funeral professionals about their experience working in the funeral industry.
7. White and British
We unpack ‘white privilege’ and together with celebrant Hannah Jackson-McCamley discuss how we can understand that concept and be part of a culture of change, acknowledging that not everyone with light skin feels they have had a priviledged upbringing and many would not describe themselves as white. This is a challenging subject in a friendly, non-judgemental environment.
8. Active allyship and antiracism
We examine how we can update our perspectives and language to be inclusive, acknowledging diversity, intersectionality and sometimes a mismatch of family beliefs and values. We discuss becoming proactive as allies opposing racial discrimination reasonably and peacably amongst colleagues, and explore how we foster equity and inclusion through our words and actions as we honour people’s lives.
Learning Objectives:
Appreciate how easy it is to make a diversity misstep
Become aware of cultural biases we might not we hold
Understand the big issues around diversity, equality and inclusivity
Recognise terms such as Antiracist, Cancel Culture and Intersectionality
Appreciate that there are a multitude of ways in which people can feel disenfranchised or excluded
Look back at what history has taught us about Black and ethnic minority people
Be able to be mindful of privilege when supporting BAME people
Learning the new language around racism in the UK and USA
Discover how we can be fairer without offending or losing out
Having opportunities to ask questions in a judgement-free space
Finding our confidence as professionals and managing the fear of “putting our foot in it”